עו"ד שמאור גרינוולד - ייצוג תובעים בתביעות רשלנות רפואית

עו"ד שמאור גרינוולד
ייצוג תובעים בתביעות רשלנות רפואית

LLB, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

LLM, Tel Aviv University

Completed the "Medicine for Attorneys" program, Tel Aviv University

Member of the national commeetee of medical malpractice at the Israeli Bar Association

Highly experienced in complexed medical malpractice lawsuits

Personally supporting the client throughout the case

Collaborating with the best senior medical experts

Acting with determination to achieve the maximum compensation in minimal time

Charging fee as a percentage of the compensation, and only after winning the case

Clients from Eilat to the Golan Heights (Ramat Hagolan)

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